

Help Squash a Pest: Spot Invasive Flies with IPM – Invasive Species Mapper!

Bactrozera dorsalis on

Help Squash a Pest: Spot Invasive Flies with IPM – Invasive Species Mapper. Have you ever wondered how scientists track the arrival of new insect species that could wreak havoc on European agriculture? Traditional methods involve trapping and field surveys, which can be time-consuming and geographically limited. In addition to […]

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Unleashing the Power of Transgenesis: Revolutionizing Insect Genetics with Capped Transposase mRNA​

© Häcker et. al (2023) Unleashing the Power of Transgenesis: Revolutionizing Insect Genetics with Capped Transposase mRNA 24. November 2023 In the realm of insect genetics and molecular biology, creating transgenic insects has become an indispensable tool for unraveling the mysteries of gene function and developing novel pest control strategies. […]

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