REACT is a 48 month project kicked-off in November 2022. Its work will span until October 2026
REACT aims to provide rapid pesticide-free pest control to protect ecosystems and biodiversity in the European Union
REACT unites 15 partners from 12 countries and 3 continents
REACT receives funding of 6.65 million Euro from the European Union under its Horizon Europe framework
Two EU-funded projects, IPM POPILLIA and REACT, have joined forces to involve citizens in mapping invasive insect species. Farmers concerned about their crops, schoolchildren and students, nature lovers, amateur biologists and everyone else are invited to support our research by taking photos of flies and entering weather data and other relevant information into the IPM-Invasive Species Mapper app. The app is available for both Android and iOS.
Milestone 0.1 - Consortium agreement
Milestone 0.2 - Kick-off meeting (KOM)
Milestone 6.1 - Relevance of selected list of parameters for socio-economic analysis for the project developed tools and strategies validated
Milestone 7.1 - Plan for dissemination & exploitation including communication developed
Milestone 4.1 - Initial bioinformatic pipeline for Work Package 4 generation of Genetic Sexing Strains in Ceratitis capitata developed
Milestone 2.1 - Amplicon sequencing pipeline developed and microbial profiles determined
Milestone 1.1 - Sequencing for population diversity and microbiome studies completed
Milestone 2.2 - Acquisition of data for meta-analysis on ecological impacts of Bactrocera dorsalis and Bactrocera zonata conducted
Milestone 3.1 - Metabolomics pipeline and male quality markers in Ceratitis capitata developed
Milestone 4.2 - Y chromosome targeting developed and evaluated as proof-of-principle in Ceratitis capitata
Milestone 5.1 - Emergency-response rearing facility established and productivity assured
Milestone 1.2 - Parameters for population dispersal studies collected
Milestone 1.3 - Parameters for developing simulation models for Bactrocera dorsalis and Bactrocera zonata collected
Milestone 3.2 - Fruitfly interception protocol developed and evaluated
Milestone 5.2 - Area-tailored Ceratitis capitata containment strategy developed and validated
Milestone 7.2 - Reaching sufficient response and interest for the project (indicator values in Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan)
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