

REACT goes Radio Anaunia

Cristina Borghesi, PhD student working on REACT at the JLU Gießen REACT goes Radio Anaunia 23 June 2023 Cristina Borghesi, PhD student working on REACT at the JLU Gießen In a recent radio appearance at Radio Anaunia, Cristina Borghesi, a researcher involved in the REACT project, shed light on her […]

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Deciphering the drivers of invasive species

The participants of the WP1 workshop in Vienna. Deciphering the drivers of invasive species 16 May 2023 At a workshop in Vienna, scientists involved in the project recently met to discuss the behavior of the fly species Bactrocera dorsalis and B. zonata. The REACT project is developing novel applications of […]

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Advancing SIT for Bactrocera dorsalis and zonata

IAEA researchers Kostas Bourtzis, Chantel de Beer and REACT coordinator Marc Schetelig (c) REACT Advancing SIT for Bactrocera dorsalis and zonata 03 May 2023 The EU-funded REACT project aims to develop an innovative SIT approach that helps protect European agriculture from invasive fruit flies.   In January 2023, REACT kicked off. […]

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Field trip: Sampling insects in South Africa

Field trip: Sampling insects in South Africa 30 April 2023 George Tsiamis of the Department of Environmental Engineering at the University of Patras is one of the principal investigators involved in the REACT project. In April 2023, he visited Citrus Research International (CRI) in South Africa, another REACT partner. The purpose […]

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How REACT contributes to pesticide use reduction

Image of a tractor on a farm

How REACT contributes to pesticide use reduction 24 April 2023 The use of SIT could help reaching Europe’s declared goal to reduce the use of pesticides in agriculture. Pesticides are there to fight invasive species of insects and weeds. However, they have the potential to contaminate our soils, the crops […]

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Utilizing a pest to fight itself

Male Ceratitis capitata Utilizing a pest to fight itself 3 March 2023 REACT aims to break innovative ground in the ecological control of invasive insect pests in Europe and worldwide. Invasive species of fruit flies pose a significant risk to agriculture. They feed on a wide range of fruits and […]

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REACT at Entomology Congress in Bolzano

Woman standing next to scientific poster of the project

REACT at Entomology Congress in Bolzano 28 February 2023 In February 2023 REACT project coordinator Prof Marc Schetelig and PhD student Cristina Borghesi of Justus Liebig University Giessen attended the Entomology Congress 2023, organised by the German Society of General and Applied Entomology (DGaaE) in Bolzano, Italy. In February 2023 […]

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REACT Kick-off Meeting in Giessen (GER)

REACT Kick-off Meeting in Giessen (GER) 15 December 2022 Just a few weeks after the official launch of the project “REACT – Rapid Elimination of Invasive Agricultural Pest Outbreaks by Tackling them with Sterile Insect Technique Programs”, the international project team is meeting at Justus Liebig University in Giessen to […]

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