
Media Center

Let's REACT - IPM Invasive Species Mapper Poster

REACT IPM Invasive Species Mapper Poster

Download and print the REACT poster to promote the REACT citizen science component. The poster provides all the information needed to get the REACT community on board.

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Identification guide for four relevent fly species

Download and save the identification key to four relevant fly species. The identification key includes detailed information on Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis), the Olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae), the Peach fruit fly (Bactrocera zonata), and the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata).

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The REACT Newsletter #01

Here you will find the first issue of the annual REACT newsletter. In it, we offer insights into the work of the consortium during the first twelve months of the project. We have included snapshots from recent events and field trips to showcase the collaborative nature of the REACT partnership.

Translated version: German 🇩🇪 and Italian 🇮🇹

Screenshot of the press release document on identification of Bactrocera dorsalis in Belgium

Invasive oriental fruit fly detected in Belgium

Multiple detections of Bactrocera dorsalis in Belgium highlight the risk of exotic fruit fly invasions in Europe. The REACT project is working on novel strategies to protect agriculture from invasive pest.

Screenshot of the press release by Giessen University

Protecting Greek Agriculture Press Release

The Justus-Liebig University in Giessen published a press release on how the REACT project can help protect Greek agriculture and on future plans for field tests

Kick-off Press Release

This is a press release about the REACT EU Project and its goal to combat invasive insects.

Project Executive Summary

Find here a brief description of the REACT project.

React project architecture

REACT is a complex project, structured in 8 work packages. This posters shows the architecture of REACT.

React official logo

This is the official REACT project logo.
