
Bactrocera zonata

South and Southeast Asia

8-12 mm long

mangoes, peaches, guava, apples

Bactrocera zonata, also called mango fruit fly, is also a species of insect belonging to the family Tephritidae. It is native to South and Southeast Asia and it is a major pest of mangoes and other fruits and can cause significant losses to fruit growers.


While both insects are similar in many ways, there are some key differences between them,  such as their appearance. Bactrocera zonata is slightly larger than Bactrocera dorsalis, with an adult fly measuring 8-12 mm long compared to 8-10 mm for B. dorsalis. Bactrocera zonata also has a more yellow-brown body color with black markings on the thorax and wings, while B. dorsalis has a brownish-yellow body with similar black markings.


Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis are thus closely related, but have some important differences that must be taken into account in effective pest control.


For more information on the Bactrocera zonata, see its datasheet on the Homepage of the European and Mediterannean Plant Protection Organization or on the CABI Digital Library.


Image credits to Fruit Fly ID Australia